- President, Teun Veldkamp, Wageningen Livestock Research, Netherlands teun.veldkamp@wur.nl
- Vice-President, Laura Gasco, University of Turin, Italy, laura.gasco@unito.it
- Secretary, Jørgen Eilenberg, University of Copenhagen, Denmark jei@plen.ku.dk
- Secretary, Chistoph Sandrock, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Switzerland, christoph.sandrock@fibl.org
- Industry Representative, Marian Peters, IIC (International Insect Centre), Netherlands marianpeters@ngn.co.nl
- Young scientist, Matteo Ottoboni, University of Milan, Italy, matteo.ottoboni@unimi.it
- Young scientist, Marwa Shumo, University of Bonn, Germany, mshummo@hotmail.com