Marwa Shumo is presenting insects as potential alternatives to the conventionally used protein sources in livestock feed in a movie

In Africa, livestock production currently accounts for about 30% of the gross value of agricultural production. However, production is struggling to keep up with the demands of an expanding human population, rise in urbanization and associated shifts in diet habits. High cost of feed prevents the livestock sector from thriving...

IPIFF’s “Guidance: the provision of food information to consumers”

IPIFF has published the Guidance: the provision of food information to consumers. This Guidance document provides recommendations towards best labelling practices, building from obligations derived from Regulation (EU) 1169/2011. ‘We also wish to raise awareness regarding the excellent nutritional properties of edible insects - a label in line with EU best labelling practices...

Scientific interest for insects for feed is growing

More and more people are interested in the use of insects as animal feed or as animal feed ingredient. Insect products are allowed for use already in petfood and aquaculture. It is expected that EU-regulations will be adapted in the near future and thereafter insect products may also be used...

Summary of the EAAP Insect sessions Ghent, Belgium

The insect sessions at the EAAP annual meeting in Ghent, Belgium attracted a lot of people from industry and academia. More and more people are interested in the use of insects as animal feed or as animal feed ingredient. The number of papers on insects as mini-livestock increases rapidly. In...

Insects as replacement of animal protein gets a boost

SUSINCHAIN (Sustainable Insect Chain) is a project funded with a grant from the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme. The new European research project SUSINCHAIN will start on October 1st 2019. The project aims to contribute to novel protein provision for feed and food in Europe. SUSINCHAIN wants to overcome the...

Diagnostic sheets and disorders in mealworm and black soldier fly

University of Copenhagen has published one page diagnostic sheets on ‘Diseases and disorders in mealworm Tenebrio molitor’ and ‘Diseases and disorders in the Black Soldier Fly (BSF), Hermetia illucens’. The diagnostic sheets can be downloaded by clicking on their titles and are free for all to use and disperse further. Another Diagnostic sheet,...

IPIFF – Draft Guide on Good Hygiene Practices

IPIFF – ‘International Platform of Insects for Food & Feed’ , which is the EU umbrella organisation for the insect production sector unveils today a guidance document on the best practices in quality and hygienic insect production - the paper is available on the IPIFF website through the following link. Initiated in November 2016, the draft Guide...